Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Duke is 4!

As all of you know, I am crazy about my first baby Duke.  He turned four today.  I cannot believe he has been with us for four years.  When I first brought Duke home, he weighed 1.8 pounds.  He has put on 4 pounds since then.  He thinks he is a pit bull but is afraid of everything.  Justin will say Duke drives him nuts but he is just as crazy about him as I am.   Rhea is madly in love with Duke.  I am still not sure if he loves her or loves the never ending food she provides him.  Either way he puts up with a lot from her.  She pulls his tail, pulls his hair, takes his toys, even tries to bite him (see post Jaws).  He just takes it in stride.  He has adapted to the changes really well this year and I look forward to what is to come this year!  Happy Birthday Dukie!

Look at the cute doggy

My handsome guy

Monday, March 25, 2013


Every week when I pick Rhea up from daycare it is the same thing.  "Mrs. Wnukowski, can you please sign this incident report?  Rhea bit one of her friends again.  Don't worry, it is age appropriate."  And I know it is but it still doesn't take the sting away that I have that kid.  The one who is getting overly excited and is not willing to share.   I have compared notes with friends and their children are biting too.    When I picked Rhea up this past  Friday I had not one but two incident reports waiting for me.  The teacher informed me they have lovingly nicknamed her Jaws.  I know they were joking to try to make me feel better.  I know this because as I asked Rhea if she was biting her friends today she tried to bite me.  Then she bit herself.  It took so long for her teeth to finally come in,  I guess she is just really excited to us them.