My only true resolution this year is to just stop stressing and enjoy the baby. The last 7 weeks of 2011 have been some of the most stressful times of my life. Having a baby changes everything and anything you could have ever done to prepare for this moment is basically null and void. It is scary as hell when they release you from the hospital and you are now in charge of that little life. Looking back over the last 7 weeks, I should have stressed less and just went with my own instincts. And I vow to do that this year. I think parenthood is basically keeping your child safe, fed, warm, healthy, and you make the rest up as you go. People mean well when they offer their two cents but I am tuning them out in 2012. I have chosen to breastfeed my baby, but I also give her formula. And I realize this is OK. In 2012 I am doing what is best for me and Rhea. And breast milk and formula are what is best for us. All you lactation crazies can keep you opinion to yourself. (Like the lactation consultant who advised me today that I check out a low milk supply website for support since I was offering formula with my breast milk) Thanks but no thanks. These moments go by so fast, I don't want to look back at the end of 2012 and think "I should have enjoyed her more". 2012 is the year of Rhea and I plan to savor every moment. And maybe loose the baby weight too.
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